
ERROR:systemctl: frps.service: Executable path is not absolute, ignoring: ./frps -c /frps.ini ERROR:systemctl: Exec is not an absolute path: ExecStart=./frps -c /frps.ini ERROR:systemctl: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ERROR:systemctl: Found 1 problems in /etc/systemd/system/frps.service ERROR:systemctl: The SystemD commands must always be absolute paths by definition. ERROR:systemctl: Earlier versions of systemctl.py did use a subshell thus using $PATH ERROR:systemctl: however newer versions use execve just like the real SystemD daemon ERROR:systemctl: so that your docker-only service scripts may start to fail suddenly. ERROR:systemctl: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is by design. Docker should be running a process in the foreground in your container and it will be spawned as PID 1 within the container’s pid namespace. Docker is designed for process isolation, not for OS virtualization, so there are no other OS processes and daemons running inside the container (like systemd, cron, syslog, etc), only your entrypoint or command you run. If they included systemd commands, you’d find a lot of things not working since your entrypoint replaces init. Systemd also makes use to cgroups which docker restricts inside of containers since the ability to change cgroups could allow a process to escape the container’s isolation. Without systemd running as init inside your container, there’s no daemon to process your start and stop commands.


如果只想同时运行两个服务,应该用什么办法呢?其实很简单:在Dockerfile CMD内运行start.sh,然后再用nohup挂起frps服务就好了: nohup ./frps -c /frps.ini & python3 /main.py 顺利运行frps服务。